Eating Well: How to Sustain A Healthy Diet

Aug 08, 2022
3 mins read

Eating Well How to Sustain A Healthy Diet

Eating healthy is not as difficult as it sounds. It is just including more fruits, veggies, lentils, and pulses in your diet and embracing a balanced meal every day. In fact, eating healthy can be fun and exciting for your taste buds. So, if you haven’t been able to sustain a healthy diet, we are here to help you out. Read ahead to know more.

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1. Opt For The Rainbow

No, we aren’t talking about the rainbow up in the sky, but about a variety of colours of fruits and vegetables. Each colour offers different vitamins and minerals, which help fulfil the required amounts for the day. If you cannot add all the colours in one meal, try for at least two or three colours every day. Some examples include;

  • Violet and indigo – Blackberries, black grapes, raisins, dates, purple cabbage, eggplant, and prunes
  • Blue – Blueberries,
  • Green – All green leafy veggies, cabbage, grapes, cucumbers, kiwi, lettuce, zucchini, bell peppers
  • Yellow- Butternut squash, mangoes, lemons, pineapples
  • Orange – Carrots, papaya
  • Red – Beets, cranberries, red bell peppers, red grapes, strawberries, cherries

2. Make Food Interesting

If you go on making one type of cuisine every single day, it can get boring very soon, which will make you want to order something or eat out. Instead, spend some time curating a weekly menu for yourself. This will help you try cuisines from other countries and make lunches and dinners more interesting.

3. Food Prep

One of the reasons why most of us end up ordering food from outside is because of the fatigue we feel after a long day at work. So, during dinner time, chopping veggies or making Rotis makes you feel lethargic. To combat this, you can always do weekly meal prep. Once you have the set menu in hand, prep everything and store it in an airtight container. You can chop veggies, make a sauce for your curries, you can prepare weekly batches of chutney and more.

4. Switch To Fruits For Dessert

Most of us crave something sweet after the end of every meal. Instead of sugary desserts, choose fruits. This will not only aid your health but eliminate added sugar from your system.

5. Choose Smoothies For Quick Breakfasts

Instead of skipping breakfast every day, opt for quick smoothies. You can prep for them the night before and just give them a good blend in the morning for something healthy and filling.

6. It’s Okay To Cheat Once A While

While you eat healthy every day, you may crave something cheezy and greasy once in a while and it’s okay to check once a week or once a month. This will keep you satisfied and you will be able to go on with your healthy lifestyle without any distractions.

7. Supplements

You can always take additional supplements like vitamin C or multivitamins for added benefits.

Now you know how you can sustain a healthy diet and eat good food every single day without breaking a sweat.


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