What are the Best Vegetarian Protein Sources?

Jan 17, 2022
4 mins read

What are the Best Vegetarian Protein Sources 1

Best Vegetarian Protein Sources

The body needs proteins, before and after workouts. Protein is the building blocks of our body. You need them for the daily wear and tear of muscles, to speed up recovery and to gain strength.

While we all know meat and eggs pack a high protein punch, there’s this misconception that a vegetarian meal plan comes up short. While vegetarians often feel that they have fewer choices, there are enough options available for them to meet their daily protein. Here are some options for vegetarian protein sources to incorporate in your daily diet.

1. Chickpeas

Best Vegertarian Protein

They’re high in protein and fiber, and low in calories. Snack on them boiled, toss them

into salads or puree into a yummy hummus.

Protein punch 7.3 gm per 1/2 cup serving

2. kidney beans

Best Vegertarian Protein

Kidney beans are a chock-a-block with protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. Paired with boiled or steamed rice, Rajma-Chawal is an all-time favourite dish in the Indian household. Apart from being delicious, it’s a wholesome meal, which can be enjoyed in the form of curry, as a topping in salads, in enchiladas or in the form of spicy chili.

Protein punch 7.5 gm per 1/2 cup serving

3. Milk

Best Vegertarian Protein in India

Got milk? If you do, you’re sure to do well on your protein test. Apart from being a rich source of protein, milk is rich in calcium and ensures good bone health, strong teeth, a healthy immune system, and glowing skin. Avoid full-fat versions; look for skimmed options that have been fortified with vitamin D.

Protein Punch 8 gm per 1 cup serving

4. Lentils

Best Vegertarian Protein in India

Indians can’t do without their dals, be it arharurad or moong. A part of almost every meal, lentils are an easy and inexpensive way of amping up your intake of protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Serve with a side of rice or roti for a complete meal.

Protein Punch 9 gm per 1/2 cup serving


5. Green Peas

Best Vegertarian Protein in India

Not many vegetables are as rich in protein as this winter staple. You get the protein and fiber from frozen green peas too, so go ahead and stash a bag in your freezer. Make sure you pick up the bag and check how the peas have been frozen – if you can feel them, they’re good to go; if not, they have been thawed and refrozen into a big chunk. Try Matar Paneer to boost your protein intake.

Protein Punch 7 gm per 1 cup serving

6. Mixed Seeds

Best Vegertarian Protein in India

Seeds add crunch and quite a bit of protein to your meals. Choose from sesame, sunflower, pumpkin or poppy seeds – as they’re all high in protein and healthy fats. Apart from salads, you can also add them to raita, cereal or homemade granola.

Protein Punch 5-7.3 gm per quarter-cup serving


Plix – the plant fix is one of the best combos of different vegan plant proteins, including pea and brown rice protein with superfoods, antioxidants, and electrolytes. It is 100 per cent vegetarian and contains no milk substitutes which is why it is Vegan too. Plix has all the qualities a perfect vegetarian protein should have. Moreover, it is available in small sachets, easy to carry while travelling and within the perfect budget range of every fitness enthusiast. Just need to mix in cold water or milk for perfect health and perfect taste.

Protein Punch 25gm protein per sachet.


Buy The Best Vegan Protein In India

Best Vegertarian Protein in India

Try PLIX now!!

You can also buy our Plant-based protein powder from Amazon here:

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